
Fast Delivery

Every day from 10 AM - 10 PM


Click on the green button to order food ”Kebab or click on the yellow button to reserve a table! You can also chat with our customer support via the chat Box below!

Kourosh Kebab
The Best ''Kebab'' Taste

Kourosh Kebab Use the most high quality and fresh  recipes to prepare ”Kebab” & Food!

We Use the Most Professional Methods To Make Kebabs And Middle East Foods And our chefs are Well Trained To Prepare The Best ”Kebab” For You!

Kebab Turkey
Kourosh kebab

Different Varieties And Types Of ''KEBAB''

Featured Delicacies

Fresh From the Grill

All Meats Are Served with House Pickles In Kourosh Kebab Restaurant

anu una
anu una
September 11, 2021.
Zaenal Mahasin
Zaenal Mahasin
August 29, 2021.
Mengobati kerinduan kubideh El Reda Berlin dengan mencoba di Kuorosh Kebab Kemang, taste mirip 11-12, salad sayur perlu dibanyakin, perlu dicoba menu persian satu ini yang tasty kombinasi antara daging sapi dan kambing.
Rachmat Fauzie
Rachmat Fauzie
August 26, 2021.
Ridge Olenroot
Ridge Olenroot
August 15, 2021.
An address I seeked for far too long to visit despite the Covid-19 issue but did so this very day mid Aug21. It promised much, and it did not disappoint. The food is genuine, and prepared with much care (I have lived, and worked in Iran for a couple of years). Menu is vast much to choose from. Friendly service personnel, and the branch manager open for a chat. Highly recommended.
Reza Ramadhan
Reza Ramadhan
July 26, 2021.
Ahmad Fauji
Ahmad Fauji
July 26, 2021.
Suedi Suryo Hardono
Suedi Suryo Hardono
July 26, 2021.
Yendi Kesuma
Yendi Kesuma
June 28, 2021.
Agus Priyoggodo
Agus Priyoggodo
June 26, 2021.
Mira Octavia
Mira Octavia
June 14, 2021.
Ga nyangka.. makanannya enak pake banget! Serius rcommended bgt.. otentik rasanya. Ada 2 tempat yg bawah nonsmoking Lantai 2 nya smoking room (krn utk shisha juga( Sering dikunjungi orang2 timteng. Td ak makan apa ya namanya daging ayam gitu.m bener2 meresap, rotinya pun enak. Engga enek tp ada rasanya..

Chicken Kebab Sandwich sama natural Recepies
+mayonnaise sauce+
Tomato Sauce+French fries

Koobideh Kebab2(200gr)

2Tusuk lamb kebab khas Persian+Nasi Basmati+Tomat Bakar+Sambal+Bubuk Suac+Salad+Green chili

Family Pack ''Kebab''

Ini adalah Porsi terbesar kami. Ukurannya tergantung pada jumlah keluarga dan barang yang Anda pesan dalam paket ini. 


Big Joojeh Kebab(250gr)

Large Chicken Kebab Khas Persian+Nasi Basmati
+Tomat Bakar +Sambal
+Bubuk Sumac+Salad
+Green Chili

Kourosh Kebab

Koobideh Sandwich Kebab

One layer Koobideh including Vegetables Wrap with Special Bread
+French fries
Natural Recipes 

Kourosh Kebab

Mix Kebab 2

2 Tusuk Lamb Kebab Khas Persian(200gr)+Chicken Kebab khas Persian(160gr) +Nasi Basmati+Tomat Bakar+Sambal+Bubuk Sumac+Salad+Green Chili

Kourosh kebab

Happy Hours

Every Day From, 10Am- 10 PM

They All Love Our ''KEBAB'' & Food

Whoever Tries Kourosh Kebab ”KEBABS” s/he Will Become A Permanent Customer Of Kourosh Kebab Restaurant

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